Hula Hooping- A Fun Family Event!

hula familyDid you know that simple, fun hula hooping can burn as many calories as swimming or riding a bike? It’s true. It is effective without impacting your joints. There is proof that it can help young kids whose joints are still developing and older people who have medical conditions such as osteoarthritis. Therefore, we say it is ideal for family members of all age groups! As a bonus, you can get your kids off the couch, off their devices, and active. Make it a family event, and everyone will feel better because of it.

Hooping Your Way to Fun!

When have you ever held a hoop and carried a frown? It simply does not seem possible. Along with the health benefits of hula, you can also enjoy mental benefits as well. This includes a reduction in anxiety and depression. Can you hope for anything more?

If you add in a picnic in the park or turning hoop time into family time, the rewards are even better. It sets the stage for a lifetime of physical and mental well-being for the entire family.

Create Your Memories!

hula hoops for everyoneAt some point in everyone’s life, they come across a hoop that is begging to be played with. You can roll it, you can spin it, and you can twirl it around your waist. The hula hoop is not going to fade away into the night, unappealing to all. It is here to stay. Why not use it to create fantastic memories with your family?

Tip: You can even use your hoop to play fun games!


Theme: Overlay by Kaira